Nečinný - Stránka 2

Aké sú správne voľnobežné otáčky vozidla počas jazdy?
Aké otáčky by malo mať auto pri voľnobehu? Pre bežné autá sú voľnobežné otáčky zvyčajne medzi 600 a 1 000 ot./min., čo je práve toľko, aby udržalo pom...
Čo spôsobuje, že sa voľnobeh pohybuje hore a dole?
Prečo môj voľnobeh stále stúpa a klesá? Ak motor nedostáva dostatok paliva (toto sa nazýva „chudý chod“) v dôsledku tlaku paliva (regulovaného palivov...
Ako nastavíte voľnobeh na džípe Grand Cherokee limited v8 z roku 1996?
Ako nastavíte voľnobeh na Jeepe Grand Cherokee z roku 1996? Nastavte voľnobežné otáčky otáčaním nastavovacej skrutky voľnobehu na karburátore (modely ...
Ako diagnostikujete rýchly voľnobeh, ktorý sa spomalí na 1200 ot./min?
Prečo moje auto beží na voľnobeh pri 1200 ot./min? Ak vaše auto beží na voľnobeh pri 1200 otáčkach za minútu, s najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou niekde uni...
What makes my Jeep Engine rev up to 2200 rpm on start up?
Why does my car have high RPM when I start it? High RPMs in the cold is a result of combustion taking place in the engine. Your car is able to start b...
Why would a 1998 Honda Civic idle speed drop to almost zero when you start it up It idles a 1000 to 1200 for a few seconds and then drops to around 300 or so?
Why does my car idle low when I start it? Causes of a rough idle. Many different problems could result in a rough idle for your car or truck, includin...
Car idling all night now will not start?
Why does my car not start after sitting overnight? Fuel Pump Has Gone Bad The most common reason for a car not to start after it has been sitting for ...
Why suddenly the car have idle high 2700 rpm and does not change the gears and what parts can be faulted?
What causes high RPM while idling? The most common problem is a faulty fuse. In modern vehicles, engine idle speed is most often controlled by the idl...
Why does the RPM stay above zero when your vehicle is in park?
Should my rpm be at 0 when in park? RPMs are the revolutions per minuite that your engine turns. For a zero reading your engine must not be running. M...
How long can a car idle?
Is it OK to let your car idle for a long time? Although idling your engine is not necessarily harmful, it's also not something you should try to do ex...
I have a 1992 cadillac seville. when i start the car it idle high and will not come down?
Why is my car idling high when I start it? In modern vehicles, engine idle speed is most often controlled by the idle air control (IAC) motor. ... Whe...
Where is the Idle control valve on a 2000 Kia Sportage?
Where is the idle control valve located? Locating the Idle Air Control Valve The IACV is usually located on the intake manifold near the back of the t...