
Dal už niekto námorné subwoofery do auta?
Môžete použiť námorný subwoofer v aute? Je zrejmé, že námorný reproduktor sa presne nehodí na miesto reproduktora v aute jednoducho preto, že nie je p...
Akú hodnotu má použitý lodný motor 454?
Koľko stojí lodný motor? Prívesné motory sa môžu pohybovať od 110 do takmer 90 000 USD v závislosti od výkonu, značky, modelu a ďalších faktorov. Kto ...
Where can you get a 454 Crusader marine engine wiring diagram?
Who makes Crusader Marine engines? In 1998, Crusader was acquired by the Pleasurecraft® Marine Engine Company, a highly regarded inboard manufacturer ...
Is a 305 marine engine as good as a car engine?
Are marine engines the same as car engines? A car engine typically only uses a portion of its horsepower to maintain a decent speed on the road. On th...
Is a 302 marine engine same as a car engine?
Can I put a marine engine in a car? Ford, or any other marine engine that matches the manufacturers automobile specifications will fit. However there ...