
Čo znamená zelená kontrolka S na Honde Accord z roku 1991?
Čo znamená S na Honde Accord? S je pre šport. Ak jazdíte po kľukatých vidieckych cestách a chcete udržať otáčky vyššie pri pretáčaní zákrut, poloha „S...
What does eco mean in your sienna 2011 car?
What is Eco mode on Toyota Sienna? ECO mode regulates climate control, power output, and seat heating. This mode reduces power demands on the engine a...
How do you get rid of eco mode on dash display peugot 206?
How do I turn off Eco mode on my Peugeot 206? Eco mode is going to be deactivatable by a button on the console of your Peugeot 206 or if you press har...
What is the malfunction when the light flashes that the car is in engine failsafe mode and the car starts to decelerate though the accelerator is still in operation?
What does it mean when your car says failsafe engine mode? The failsafe mode is a feature added by Jaguar to reduce the risk that system failures can ...
What is Ev mode in a Toyota Highlander hybrid?
When should I use Toyota EV mode? Toyota hybrids have up to three drive modes – EV, ECO and Power. EV Mode encourages the car to be powered solely by ...
Does putting the Prius shift in the B position recuperate more energy to the batteries than use of the brake to retard the car when going down a steep hill?
Can you drive Prius in B mode all the time? Simply put, it's best to avoid using B mode on your shifter during regular driving. ... The only exception...
What does it mean when your cars tranny is stuck in safe mode?
What does it mean when your car says failsafe engine mode? The failsafe mode is a feature added by Jaguar to reduce the risk that system failures can ...
Čo je športový režim v automatických prevodovkách?
Je v poriadku jazdiť vždy v športovom režime? Najväčšou nevýhodou aktivácie športového režimu (alebo neustáleho nechávania vozidla v tomto režime) je,...
Čo robia prepínače 'napájanie' a 'sneh'?
Čo znamená PWR ECT Snow? ECT Snow – režim snehu s elektronicky riadenou prevodovkou (ECT) Znižuje odozvu škrtiacej klapky pre pozvoľnejšiu akceleráciu...
Aký je najbežnejší spôsob dopravy?
Ktorý spôsob dopravy je najlepší Prečo? Cestovanie vlakom je lacnejšie. Cesta vlakom je často rýchlejšia. Vlaky jazdia často a upozornia vás na prípad...
Čo znamená s na golfe?
Čo znamená S na VW Golf? „S“ je športový režim, ktorý neovplyvňuje chod motora, ale spôsob radenia prevodovky. Po prvé, umožňuje motoru pred preradení...
What mode of transportation has more ways to travel?
Which mode of transportation is used the most? Worldwide, the most widely used modes for passenger transport are the Automobile (16,000 bn passenger k...