
Ako môžem manuálne nastaviť trim, keď elektrický trim nefunguje?
Ako manuálne zdvihnem pohon? Uchopte spodok pohonu za vrtuľu. Vytiahnite pohon nahor a podržte ho, kým osoba na palube nepriviaže lano k príchytke, čí...
What is different between GS with GL on car?
What does GL mean on a car? GL Grade Level. GLE Grade Level Extra. GT Grand Touring. LX Luxury. LE Luxury Edition. What does GS stand for Hyundai? the...
Where can you get replacement interior trim moldings to replace around the fiberglass top?
What is the trim around the ceiling called? Crown Moulding Also called cornice moulding, it's used to cover the intersection where the walls and the c...